Friday, January 8, 2021

Biserka Cvejic, RIP

I have read online that Biserka Cvejic has passed away at the age of 97.  She was very much a part of my operatic learning experience. I heard her as Amneris and Azucena, all thrilling performances. The five images posted require a knowledge of AIDA. These are live performance shots, January 13, 1964, very early images from my archives, old Leica camera. All Act II.  The cast included Leontyne Price as Aida, Cvejic as Amneris, Sandor Konya as Radames, Justino Diaz as the King, Vladimir Ruzdak as Amonasro, John Macurdy as Ramfis and Robert Nagy as the Messenger. I recognize many faces of chorus members but don't know their names. There was nothing complex about the staging. The singing was superb. I can still hear it in my memory. That which is good is treasured forever. To Madam Cvejic, THANK YOU!

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