Friday, May 22, 2015

New York City Opera Reunion- Post 6, final post

Nimet Habachy with Sara Keene
Maggie Goodman, Nimet Habachy, Sara Keene
Judith Fredericks speaking
Diane Kehrig and Nimet Habachy
Cadace Itow and Louise Perry... we have to do this every reunion
Anthea DeForest
Diane Kehrig, Jim Biddle in background
Cori Ellison spoke eloquently about the meaning of the New York City Opera
Carol Bergey Skarimbas
Robert Brubaker expressed thanks
Catherine Malfitano spoke about New York City Opera as a family.
Allen McGill and camera. Didn't want to miss this. Behind Allen is Lila, but on the right are Sandra Darling, sorry I didn't get a close-up, and Carol Bergey Skarimbas.
Dominic Cossa and Joseph Riscigno
William Ledbetter and Jim Biddlecome... electronic toys. It was fun to watch, First there was all this hugging and talking and eating and more eating, but eventually the cell phones and iPads came out. Toy time.                                                        

That's it. No more pictures.. or rather, there are others, but I have no idea who I photographed. Time for bed.

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